Dalam rangka menyambut FESTIVAL PENYU 2010 dan penyelamatan penyu yang terancam punah, kami dari LSM YAYASAN PULAU BANYAK mengadakan lomba DISAIN BLOGSPOT.
1. Bebas, asal berkaitan dengan:
- Penyelamatan penyu yang hampir punah di Dunia dan upaya pelestarian di Pulau Banyak.
- Ekowisata di Pulau Banyak
- Masalah lingkungan lain di Pulau Banyak, contohnya terumbu karang, hutan, burung dan spesies lain.
2. Data, gambar atau berita bisa di ambil dari:
- www.sumatraecotourism.com
- www.acehturtleconservation.org
- Informasi lainnya bisa di ambil dari "google"(yang berhubungan dengan Pulau Banyak).
3. Peserta lomba bebas untuk siapapun kecuali panitia Festival Penyu 2010 dan Pengurus, Pembina dan Pengawas Yayasan pulau Banyak.
4. BlogSpot yang ikut lomba harus ngelink ke dua website ini:
4. BlogSpot yang ikut lomba harus ngelink ke dua website ini:
5. Mencantumkan alamat e-mail peserta untuk informasi tindak lanjut.
6. URL/alamat BlogSpot di daftarkan ke alamat e-mail panitia di festivalpenyu@yahoo.com paling lambat tanggal 25 mai 2010.
7. BlogSpot boleh pakai bahasa:
6. URL/alamat BlogSpot di daftarkan ke alamat e-mail panitia di festivalpenyu@yahoo.com paling lambat tanggal 25 mai 2010.
7. BlogSpot boleh pakai bahasa:
- Indonesia
- Melayu
- Inggris
Pemenang 1 berhak mendapatkan Rp 5.000.000
Pemenang 2 berhak mendapatkan Rp 1.500.000
Pemenang 3 berhak mendapatkan Rp 500.000
Pemenang 2 berhak mendapatkan Rp 1.500.000
Pemenang 3 berhak mendapatkan Rp 500.000
Informasi tentang ketiga pemenang akan dimuat website ini setelah tanggal Juni 23, 2010. Hadiah akan dibayar tanpa potongan langsung ke rekening pemenang. Panitia Festival tidak bertanggung jawab atas pajak atau potongan yang bisa terjadi di negara luar Indonesia.
For the TURTLE FESTIVAL 2010 (FESTIVAL PENYU 2010) and for the sake of the threatened Sea Turtles, Yayasan Pulau Banyak hereby invite everyone to take part in our competition in BLOGSPOT DESIGN.
1. Free, as long as your BlogSpot:
- Concerns the plight of the threatened Sea Turtles and the conservation efforts in Pulau Banyak.
- Eco-tourism in Pulau Banyak
- c. Other environmental problems in Pulau Banyak, such as coral reefs, forest, birds and other species.
2. Data, photos and stories can be retrieved from:
- www.sumatraecotourism.com
- www.acehturtleconservation.org
- Information retrieved by googling Pulau Banyak.
3. The competition is open to everyone except for members of the Turtle Festival 2010 Committee and Founders, Managers and Controllers of Yayasan Pulau Banyak.
4. Participating BlogSpots have to link to the following two web sites:
4. Participating BlogSpots have to link to the following two web sites:
5. Your e-mail address for further information.
6. Your URL/BlogSpot address has to be registered by e-mail to the Festival Committee at festivalpenyu@yahoo.com not later than May 25, 2010.
7. Competing Bloodspots can use any of the following languages:
6. Your URL/BlogSpot address has to be registered by e-mail to the Festival Committee at festivalpenyu@yahoo.com not later than May 25, 2010.
7. Competing Bloodspots can use any of the following languages:
- Indonesian
- Malay
- English
- For best BlogSpot : Rp 5.000.000
- For second best BlogSpot : Rp 1.500.000
- For third best BlogSpot : Rp 500.000
Announcement of winners will be made in http:/www.festivalpenyu2010.blogspot.com/ after June 23, 2010.Prices will be transferred directly without any charges to the winner’s respective bank accounts. The Festival Committee takes no responsibility for any taxes or other charges incurred in countries outside Indonesia.
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